Tuesday, September 16, 2008

WTF. Seriously?

Ok. So I hate college. I hate the people, and the place. I want to leave. But where do I go? I want to go to school in England, but I'm apparantly underqualified (which I think is a misunderstanding of the American educational system) and I don't have the money but I NEED to get out of here. Thegoddamn test that I'd need to take to even apply is like $170. Kill me.

And my VGBF is being a douche. He doesn't initiate any conversation with me, and when I try to he gives one word answers. It's like talking to the fucking wall. And seriously - I don't want to make it sound like he owes me, but I paid to get his plane ticket switched, and he borrowed $250 from me before he left...and hasn't paid me back. If he bothered to maintain our friendship I wouldnt be bothered, but now I feel like he just used me.

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