Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I graduated.

Despite my lack of presence, I graduated last night. Apparently they didn't get my message about not attending, because they still called my name and my sources tell me it was awkward.

Everyone keeps asking me how much I regret not going. I don't. I prefered to not go. I have no regret about that. Not going to prom on the other hand...

I guess I'll mention one more thing before I have to leave to go to the dentist:
I bought a new stethoscope, which I think I mentioned that I was stalking in a previous blog - the Kila Labs Single Head Stethoscope (which looks almost identical to the Littmann Master Cardiology). It's actually an awesome stethoscope. The tubing looks a little goofy because it's cross section is an oval rather then a circle (but the hole down the middle is still a circle, so IDK). All in all, it's acoustics are much more clear then my Littmann Classic II SE, and it's about 1/3 of the price of the Classic II SE... and about 1/10 of the price of the Master Cardiology. Although I have never used a Littmann Master Cardiology and cannot compare the two, this scope is definitely much better for my ears then the Classic II SE and the Select. I honestly don't know why our ambulances carry spragues when this scope is on the market for $25. Also, if you read this, take this review with a grain of salt. I'm an EMT who has tried to self-learn some of the basic points of heart sounds, so I'm no expert. I definitely think this scope is a good choice for EMTs, Medics, and probably most Nurses who will be using a scope for BPs, breath sounds, and maybe dabble into heart sounds.

That's all. I have to go to the dentist to get a filling.

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